Uoft Black Student's Association

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Workshops and submissions applications

The following organizations are organizing workshops or calling for writing submissions. Please feel free to contact the BSA with any questions or concerns that you may have at uoft.bsaexec@gmail.com.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

For more information visit: http://bit.ly/yalemagazine.

Canadian Encyclopedia

The Canadian Encyclopedia, a free, bilingual online resource on Canada’s history and culture, is calling on Canadians to contribute articles and ideas on topics from history and politics, to art and science, and everything in between.

We are seeking both seasoned authors and emerging academics to help us present the stories, people and ideas that matter.

If you know of anyone involved in your organization or association that would be interested in becoming a contributor, please have them write us at editorial@historicacanada.ca with their areas of interest or study, a copy of their most recent CV, as well as a short writing sample. Those interested are also invited to submit ideas for new entries and updates to The Canadian Encyclopedia


Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

For all the information visit: www.greenwoodutm.com.

Social Justice is a Good Idea! An Ideation Session for Social Justice Groups on Campus

AUGUST 6th, 11am-12:30pm, ZOOM

This session seeks to explore solutions for the BIG questions many of us are grappling with – how do student leaders build community and how does social justice work function online in a COVID world?

Working together using design-thinking strategies, this session will bring student groups together to discuss:

  • How might groups attract students to online programs/events?

  •  How might groups ensure they are reaching the marginalized students they hope to serve?

  • How might you create genuine connection using online platforms?

  • How might you ensure safety when discussing social justice themes + actions online?

  • How might you better improve access to all?

  • How might you approach partnerships thoughtfully?

This session will be a practical working and ideation space, with information about how these ideas might be supported by Hart House’s Good Ideas Fund in the 2020/2021 year.

Groups can register here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=JsKqeAMvTUuQN7RtVsVSECKdDrBRjmxClrJ8tWhVrQFUOVpNWkwyWjMzWjZEVDA2VVA2M09LQ0FXUS4u

Contact Trish Starling at trish.starling@utoronto.ca if you have any questions or comments.